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1 oz St Patrick Day FIJI 2022 Space green
We are pleased to present the Fiji - Earth 2022 St. Patrick’s Day coin, issued in a...
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New Canadian dinosaur with RHODIUM plating in a limited mintage 7,500 pieces / world.
Special coin with RHODIUM plating, intended only for the USA and the Canadian market on Silvermania.cz.
Quickly sold out in the mint (10.t / 2021).
Thanatotheristes degrootorum, introduced in 2020, is the first new species of tyrannosaur to be discovered in Canada in more than 50 years. This "Reaper of Death" was identified by fossil fragments found along the Bow River in Alberta. His jagged skull is depicted on the back of the Discovery of the Dinosaurs coin, where black rhodium plating highlights a fossil find that sheds new light on our prehistoric past.
RHODIUM PLATING! On the reverse of your coin, black rhodium represents a hidden or unknown past. This dark design element focuses on the engraved fossils that helped paleontologists compile the story of prehistoric Canada.
Designed by Canadian paleoartist Julius Csotonyi and Susanna Blunt.
This silver coin comes with a numbered certificate and a luxury leatherette case.
We are pleased to present the Fiji - Earth 2022 St. Patrick’s Day coin, issued in a...
Introducing a coin from the Camelot- Arthur Pendragon series. Arthur Pendragon was the...
Christmas is coming, the US EAGLE 2024 in a new issue as a reminder that they are...
The coin has the quality of antiquity, has a strongly emotional design, with high...
Third release from Mythical Forest series. Very nice coin in capsule comes with...
Coin minted in one full ounce of .990 pure titanium. Titanium has the highest...
The beautiful double sided silver coin from the Great Greek Mythology series continues...